Dec 31, 2011 02:18
Technically it's New Year's Eve already (it's 1.45am here in jolly old England) and it got me thinking about resolutions. I figured I should post now as I promised Jess (that's her in my icon) a Wii Just Dance marathon tomorrow - which will probably be the death of me.
I used to write a blog called '10 Things, Motherfucker' (which exactly 3 people read) so I figured I'd carry the theme over to lj. 10 resolutions can't be that hard, can it?
1. Comment more on fics.
This is difficult as I read mostly on my spazz-phone which often refuses to
co-operate. But I can try, because I have come to the realisation that writers
are nicer than the rest of the species. Go figure.
2. Spend less time on facebook and more on livejournal.
Virtual friends < irl friends more often than I would have imagined.
3. Eat properly.
As a vegetarian I should be healthy(ish) but apparently pizza, chocolate and chips
(that's fries if you're American) do not a healthy diet make. Go figure.
4. Give up smoking.
Never gonna happen.
5. Find a new job.
It's all well and good having a job you love, but it helps to be able to feed kids/pay rent.
6. Stay single for the fourth year running.
I added this one because I have at least some chance of keeping it!
7. Finish the pwp I started.
Blushing ridiculously whilst writing is not a valid reason to discontinue writing.
8. Buy more shoes!
Not even going to qualify this statement.
9. Persuade some poor sap to let me beta for them.
What can I say? I miss it.
10. I feel I should put something at the end of this list regarding behaving/dressing like a grown-up... but what
is the point of a resolution you have no intention of keeping??
So. Happy New Year all you wonderful people of livejournal. My wish tonight is for all of you to get the year you deserve, ie. a fabulous one!
live journal,
new year,