Apr 24, 2008 15:16
My beautiful baby cat Roxy died today. she was only 1 1/2 yrs old.
Yesterday afternoon she began fitting and so we rushed her to the vets where the prognosis dint look good but the man in there is really lovely he said he would do everything he could to help her and if she got out of the fit she could be saved.
They injected her with diazepam and by that evening she had stopped fitting. I arranged to call them back in the morning but before i had a chance to he rang me.
He said that she started fitting again and i had to choose what i wanted to do. I went to the vet asap and they brought her out on a blanket, she was twitching and shaking, she looked so small and helpless. we had a few moments with her befor ehe came in and explained that she had leukemia as a kitten and this had caused her brain damage, she was a ticking time bomb and sooner or later this would have happened due to the pressure on her tiny brain.
She would never recover and would live like that until her heart gave out so i made the awful decision of having her put to sleep.
As i held her little head in my hands and he injected her she stopped twitching and looked so calm and peaceful just like she did when she was sleeping.
Ive been so upset all day, i was crying at the vets and just came home by myself to be with the other cats.
I keep expecting to see her and scoop her up to give her a cuddle. I really miss her, she was my little princess.
As if today wasnt bad enough, its also the anniversary of my brothers death. Its been 4 years today. It doesnt seem like that long and it still hurts when i think about it. I dont think that pain will ever fully go away. When someone dies whether its a person or an animal it hurts just as much, theres still an empty part in your heart where they once were. I cared and loved that little disabled cat just as i cared and loved my brother and my nan, losing parts of your family never gets any easier.
At least i know that finally nan and kai get to meet the little-un. They can enjoy her company where they are just as much as we did.