
Mar 29, 2007 00:05

Its after midnight and mum still hasnt come back from late night shopping with my cousin! I am so glad i decided not to go now! Im sooo not in the mood to go anywhere. Still feeling bitchy, snappy and boy was i agressive today! Guess who took the brunt of it? My auntie sandra. I guess i do feel a teeny bit guilty but she deserved it after what she said.
y'see me and her dont get on, we have come to a sort of acceptance about this and are civil. She has completely different POVs to me and she lets you know it. If she doesnt agree with you, she doesnt have a very good argument to back herslef up and so she talks incessantly to try to intimidate you. That doesnt work on me! As u will know, when i disagree with something strongly enough, be prepared to take me on in a head to head collision!
She asked how can people wear leather and isnt it wrong? I replied with are you relating it to the same bracket as people who wear fur? She said that it isnt the same no, theres nothing wrong with wearing a bit of fur (!)
I kept calm at first and told her the difference between wearing leather and wearing fur is simple, cows are already killed for their meat and their hide would only go to waste so why not get some good out of that cow by using it?
Fur however is taken from normally endangered animals. The animals are mercilessly slaughtered and sometimes hunted and tortured.
These animals are not meant to be eaten by humans, we arent meant to eat tigers, chinchillas, and minks.
She said she loves mink and would wear a fur coat. She went on to say that chinchillas are nothing but vermin anyway!!!
I was terribly angry at this point anyway and i told her she was a disgusting woman, she made me sick and i was really offended.
She looked as though she wanted to cry and run away but i kept on at her.
I told her vermin is a creature which carries diseases and was not therfore my chinchilla!
Her argument was that all rodents are vermin, this isnt the case though as not all rodents carry disease and a pigeon can just as easily be classed as vermin.

Our argument got really heated and with no one in the room daring to back me up or indeed stick up for sandra it was me who shouted her down.

I get so angry with people who wear fur! There is a distinct difference between meat-eaters and fur wearers which i was trying to get through to her. She spent 10-15 years of her life a veggie anyway and now proceeds to tell me she doesnt like animals anyway and would think nothing of wearing one and to kill an animal would be easy!
I said she believes in animal cruelty and she should be prosecuted just for having those thoughts as she is a danger to animal welfare! She is never coming to see my pets ever again! Just thinking that she would wear my baby chinchilla makes me feel sick!

I dont feel like a hypocrite that i am a carnivore though. Humans were born to eat meat, it is the way of our food chain. I have no problem with people who choose to be veggie, its their choice after all, what i hate is those who preach their views and make you feel like scum for making you choice!
The animals i eat are killed for food anyway, they will never stop being food, they are intended for that use. It may sound cruel but even if everyone in the world turned veggie how would that help? We would be overrun by farm animals, farmers would be out of a job, the entire natural cycle of life would change!
We have a food chain for a reason. A lion doesnt see a zebra and think "no i wont eat that tasty zebra today ill eat grass coz its kinder" The lion eats the zebra and he enjoys it! We dont persecute that lion for doing what nature intended, so why should i be?

Anyway i got my point across thats all that matters. I know it didnt make a blind bit of differene to her, but one things for sure if she comes anywhere near me wearing fur, i will rip it off her back and make her feel so small she really will run away crying!
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