Apr 01, 2009 04:10
that's me.
Andrew thinks I slept with someone else, a girl, while we were dating. He then broke up with me tuesday night. At least it happened after my big test. I didn't sleep with her, but I did make out with her, and there were clothes off, and apparently her roommate found a open trojan wrapper in their shared trash, so it's nothing but my word against a big coincidence.
I'll be fine. I got Katie to come up and get me and take me back home, where I am now. I just need the time to recoup I guess. It's nice here on rock bottom, I set up a little tent and everything. It was a really nice night hanging out with people who aren't in my dorms, who's lives don't end up crammed against mine like ants in an ant farm.
I guess the biggest surprise is that my attention automatically switches to other people, to make sure they're okay. I have a friend who's reputation is slandered beyond belief, my ex who I want to make sure feels okay with himself even if he feels hurt, and just several other friends who I want to make good with <3
Thank you Kremmy-Caitlin, Ashley-Faye. Life is a long road, and this is just a speed bump. I may have taken it at 90 mph, but I'll keep going :P
(PS, Kremmy, lookit my new icon)
not a wreck for once,
real life