Title: Cain’s Family Ties 3/12 Rating: R Pairings: Cain/Ambrose, DG/Jeb Warnings: Incest, rape, violence. Summary: A fun, tearful family reunion takes a turn for the worse.
"You’ll make a fine wife some day, son,” Aaand that's exactly why I like DG/Jeb.
Wow, talk about awkward father-son moment, eh? I like Eustace. He feels very much a Cain, and yet, it is entirely believable that he is Ambrose's father. That is impressive.
Comments 2
Aaand that's exactly why I like DG/Jeb.
Wow, talk about awkward father-son moment, eh? I like Eustace. He feels very much a Cain, and yet, it is entirely believable that he is Ambrose's father. That is impressive.
Jeb and DG will make a great married couple. What with the heavy drinking and the domestic violence already established. *snerk*
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