Apr 30, 2008 22:23
Well, I have finished posting Eyes on the Prize and am looking forward to posting A Matter of Mitosis. I am thinking of either added to or changing the summary though since I don't quite feel that what you see on FF.net really covers what happens in the story.
FF.net summary:
Ambrose doesn’t turn out to be who - or rather what they all expected him to be… he was not simply just a brain in a jar of primordial ooze running the demented version of the Sun Seeder… he was a man, with a past Glitch couldn’t seem to remember.
To me that sounds more like an Ambrose/Glitch fic than anything... Damned FF for having a character limit and a short one at that. Anyway, I am also copying the single chapter docs into a web page in Dreamweaver. It kind of sucks that my site is down... The main server was hacked and everything was deleted, but I can't upload it yet cause the main server isn't back online yet.
I am looking for a new server if anyone has suggestions. One that is fairly cheap and or free with lots of space and few to no hacker issues... I say cheap because I am not paying for it myself and I don't want to impose too much on the person who is... the space I had, I am not sure how much it was, they never told me, but I had 700mb on the server to work with... so something like that would be good.
I want some place that will allow me to upload my own designs instead of using their preformed layouts. I was looking at Homestead, but from what I can see I couldn't do my own layout. Any suggestions would be helpful in either case of summary or web host.
subject: announcement