My Foundations of Mathematics teacher is hilarious. He's an asian guy in his early 50s I'd guess, with a ridiculous comb over that looks alright until he turns to write on the board. Here's a picture. (I couldn't find a good one where he wasn't wearing a hat)
Anyway, on the 2nd day of class, he came in and told us he just learned about a site called, and was pleased with everything he saw, except in the "hotness" catagory. He said he wasn't sure what "hotness" (he said it funny) was, and spent about 5 minutes trying to get the class to define it for him. I slowly figured out he was joking, but he was really dry about it, and it was never really clear. Anyway, he's been prompting the class for weeks to go online and pump up his "hotness" rating. I think it's hilarious. If you want to help out the cause, go here: