In response to her son living when doctors expected him to die shortly after birth:
"It was a miracle," she said. "There are just things doctors can't explain. Doctors are not in control of everything. There's stuff that happens every day that they can't explain."
Which seems to suggest that if you can't explain it, God must be responsible, right? This drives me INSANE. It seems to me that this is a large part of how religion originated and it absolutely blows me away that people can still think this way.
Look, 2000 years ago we couldn't explain ANYTHING. So everything was left up to god. If your family member died, it was god's decision that their time was up. If a storm wiped out your crops, it was because god was mad at you. If the weather favored your crops, it was because you somehow earned god's favor and he was rewarding you.
2000 years later, we have learned that illnesses like cancer are likely what blindly killed people. The "random" storm is cyclical and doesn't give a crap WHAT you was going to happen anyways. I highly doubt that god was pissed off at new orleans when the levy's broke.
So this archaic mindset drives me insane. And to throw stats out there of this significance disappoints me when people don't wake up and smell the coffee. "57 percent of randomly surveyed adults said God's intervention could save a deathly ill family member even if physicians said treatment would be futile. However, just under 20 percent of doctors and other medical workers said God could reverse a helpless outcome."
Is it a coincidence that the more educated you are the less likely you are to believe in a god or higher power? Is it a coincidence that the smartest people on the planet don't believe in a god and the less educated and most needy people heavily rely on his holy power?
Are we really this Really?
God help us all....