Jul 17, 2008 01:02
My happiness is not for sale.
My health, integrity neither.
I always was headstrong.
I always was bright eyed,
ambitious, selfless, independent.
Gentle, yet on my way to
somewhere else - somewhere grand.
Like He said, I was not created
for any ordinary purpose.
My soul cannot abide life
life as usual. per the norm.
I am always a truth seeker
reaching for change.
I am always a lover and
a fighter because
i. fight. for. love.
fierce, fearless, following freedom.
Give me an honest song
a song of righteousness
and I will sing it.
Show me a need and I will
do my best to meet it.
Or, I direct the needy to
wealth, if I can find it.
I will climb through tangled
branches if I see beauty beyond.
My mouth opens to give
healing words, soothing words.
I am a lover-healer.
A bubbling spring of truth.
I cultivate solace around me.
My hands bring peace.
Swallow the fruit of my branches
and understand your value, power.
Recognize your ability to see
to perceive and penetrate darkness.
These are the truths my Father gave me.
These are gifts of love and healing.
A keen eye and a generous hand.
And I intend to make these truths fully evident.
On that note. Do not take advantage of me. Do not manipulate me. Do not guilt me into helping you when you have done little for me. I'm a giving person, a bottomless well unless you mistreat me. In which case the well dries up instantly. Instantly. Instantly you will notice that I'm no longer there, offering my gymnastics, bending over backwards to right the wrongs that others have done to you. If you are wronging me, why should I make things right for you? It's a fine line. Yes, unkind people still deserve love and help. But a lifetime of picking up after your messes has made it hard for me to give anything else to you. Love me, and I will love you back - and no, words are not enough.