The closing went well. The closing costs were a lot less than we expected, which was a good thing.
The first day, We got all the utilities turned on and I picked up our cable equipment, but it turns out that they couldn't turn on our service until the next day, which meant that I had to drag my computer back over to the hotel and work in the dark there (Kelly was on mids).
The next day, we managed to get it turned on, but the installer wanted to run a new cable, so we had a cable strung across our yard for a couple of weeks until someone came to bury it.
Our new fridge was delivered very late the second day. The water dispenser stopped working the second day. Sears couldn't have anyone look at it for a week and a half. By the time the repAirman got here, it had started working by itself.
We closed on a Tuesday and we had our stuff delivered on Friday, when we could both be off work and have a weekend to deal with it. We spent our first night in the new house Thursday night on an air mattress. Olive spent her first night there as well. She got used to the house very quickly. After only a few days, she treated it like home and isn't afraid of anything. I think that it is the lack of noise from traffic or other people.
It only took half a day to unload our stuff, but it took a whole week of constant unpacking in our free time to get things mostly normal. The first meal we cooked in the new kitchen felt very good.
I managed to get the main living area cleaned up and decorated before halloween so that it would look good when we opened the house to the neighborhood.
We are apparently in the part of town where people bring their kids to get good candy, since literal truckloads of children were being dropped off in front of our house.
More later...
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