Birthdays, presence and presents

Jun 01, 2008 00:31

It's birthday season again; that time of year when all the birthdays seem to come along at once.  It's a bit disturbing, if you think about it.  Count back 9 months from when you were born and that's roughly when your parents were at it.  Normally you can see a special occasion around that time, you know, like Christmas or Valentine's Day.  Myself?  Middle of August?  Christmas was a jolly season for my folks that year I guess.

Anyone born round this time of year?  Well, your parents were getting freaky on Halloween.  Spooky stuff right there.  Do you reckon they played dress-up?  ;)

Today is Ciara's birthday and, as I do with any close friend's birthday, if I know they can't be around for it I celebrate a little for them myself.  Nothing spectacular, I just get a large bottle of good whiskey and work my way through a few drams.  Rest assured, Halloween-spawn, you're always in my heart even if I can't be around to clink glasses with you.

I bought Rock Band the other day, wiping out what little money I had left for savings.  For those who don't keep up with the world of gaming, this is the new phenomena which provides players with faux-instruments with which to make beautiful music.  You get a guitar controller (looks like a guitar but with five colour coded buttons instead of strings), a mic and a set of drum pads.  Four people can play together on a variety of songs performed by the actual artists (along with a few covers for songs they couldn't get full rights too).

Now, the guitar thing has been around for ages (Guitar Hero) and Singstar (a karaoke game from Sony) has pretty much got the mic thing covered.  I've never been really interested in either.  It never really feels like you're playing an instrument, even if it's a bit of fun.  The singing in particular brings me down because it places no prize for sounding like the song, just what note you're hitting.  That's not singing..

The drums on the other hand?  Well, they're drums!  Sure, mastering the pads and pedal will not turn you into a master drummer but it teaches you rhythm.  Already I'm being put through my paces, like learning to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time....

While hopping.

And gargling the National Anthem.

The SWEDISH National Anthem.


Seriously, give me a steady beat and I can follow it quite well now.  Standard drumming seems ok.  Even switching the pads, occasional cymbal crashes and small rolls hold no fear.  Throw in a slight off beat and suddenly my rhythmic world collapses around my bobbing head.

I will learn it.

I went downstairs earlier and found that, for the first time, Magick had left me a little present in her basket.  Well, when I say basket, I mean the Grolsh box with a rug for lining that I use as a basket for her.  She doesn't like normal baskets or pet beds.  Anyway, she was looking very proud of herself when I came out to feed her for the evening and I immediately spotted why.  In her "basket" (inverted commas -HOOOOOOOO!)  was a small mouse.

I was a little bit proud and a little bit sad.  I don't like seeing dead animals of any kind, even little mice.  It was the first time Magick has actually managed to catch anything.  She's about as stealthy as a flatulent, tap-dancing clown.  She waddles towards birds like a woman who's just had a J-Lo ass-implant and isn't used to it yet.  So finding a dead mouse presented to me in her….

Wait, did I say dead?


As I stood, shaking my head, Magick's trophy took a few shallow breaths and then lay still again.  Great.  A half-dead mouse.  I fed Magick to keep her occupied while I dealt with the tiny critter.  I scooped it up and placed it at the side of a nearby field.  Sure, it might not live but I'm giving it the best chance I can.

Magick still looks smug.
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