Jul 09, 2007 17:24
.:bounce bounce bounce:.
I just pre-bought my movie ticket to go see Harry Potter this saturday night!!!!!
And the best part is that I bought it in a movie that allows you to choose your seat at the moment you buy the ticket! So not only do I know I'll watch the movie on saturday, I know I have good seats!!!!!
I'm sooooo hyper right now!!!!!
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adsrtjt jtr dhjtr hrt h drth dtrh dtr hh t hthdrthujtrhtrh
sdafsegdgsdg fd ghhdsf h gd jgdhjghjdjg dj
Oh yes, and the following week, I'll get Deathly Hallows delievered at my doorstep! I sooooo hope the shop just f*ck up the delievery!!! Oh yes, and I also hope this book is everything that I'm hoping for and more!!!!