today's checklist

Oct 16, 2009 15:15


- toast
- fruit juice
- tea (instead of coffee)
- fever (down to 100.6 at the moment)
- chest congestion
- other flu symptoms
- feeling like utter crap
- friends checking up on me
- OTC cold&flu medication
- laptop, bed

on hand, if needed:

- chicken soup, and saltines
- lots of fruit juice
- several oranges and a couple of grapefruit
- enough tea, bagged or loose, to last at least three months
- instant ginger & honey tea, ditto on quantity
- unread and partially red books
- beads, already pulled for a couple of projects
- yarn & crochet hooks


- energy to do anything beyond slice bread for toast and nuke water for tea
- ability to concentrate
- desire to read anything - not even to finish Unseen Academicals
- desire for chocolate (you could offer me a Dilettant gran marnier truffle, and I'd just go "meh")
- desire to listen to music (!)


- flu. And I had the regular flu shot... three weeks ago, I think?

(Also on hand - plenty of cat food. So the Annie-cat & I are good.)

feels like flu

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