May 22, 2013 06:38
in a setting much like the high school mixed with a large grocery store.
up stairs in the writing/ history class- everyone was being scolded about the papers we wrote. and the teacher went onto say that some of us were in deep shit. i open my report folder and find a little packet explaining why i was up for expulsion. apparently my efforts were plagiarized and stolen. and even though i produced good work everyone was pissed i had succeeded without trying. anyways im not perturbed, i remember that i've already graduated and only take classes for fun, and that expulsion isn't a daunting threat.
so im making my way outside. i have a huge backpacking pack on and this kid wants to raace to the door. ok. so i try to run.( sometimes in dreams i cant run, so i put my arms down and run like a gorilla.) and so im galloping towards the auto-matic door. and i amwinning, but as i make my way over a barrier grace runs up and knocks me down!! and i lose the race.
interesting dream