February 27 - Denist Visits

Mar 02, 2023 12:32

At approximately 4:30AM I wake up and move Alistar back to his bed. He's been waking up at about 2AM from teething pains and will only falls back asleep in my bed. I put him back in his crib before he actually wakes up because I like him to wake up in his bed.

I get up and do my morning routine. It involves checking my plants and watering them. I moved my succulents inside because we've had on and off snow and they don't do well with frost. This dude is usually outside my front door though.

I sit on the couch with my coffee and watch Alaska Daily.

At about 6:30 I get dressed. I contemplate wearing a dress.

The 35 degree weather decides maybe I should put pants on.

Unpictured, but I get Alistar up, dressed, and fed. I help my husband get up and dressed. And then we take Alistar to daycare.

Then Justin and I go to our favorite breakfast diner.

I ordered a swiss avocado bacon omelette with hashbrowns. Justin got corned beef hash with eggs.

After breakfast we hobble back to the car. Justin has made a huge recovery since I last did one of these in January. He can't bear weight, but he can hop around.

After breakfast we get home, I watch a shitty movie on hulu and play on my computer.

After my shitty movie is over, I do some laundry.

And then I read some.

Checkers wants to go out. But then he doesn't want to be out.

I collect the garbage from the house and take our garbage and recycling bins out.

Then I go to the dentist for my 1PM appointment.

I am early, so I pull out my kindle and read some more.

They do some xrays and then tell me my gums need some attention. D:

I am offered either to set a new appointment for a deep cleaning or do it today. I do it today.

Teeth are clean!

On my way home I stop by Walgreens to pick up Diet Pepsi.

Then I get this cool dude from daycare.

When I tell him it's time for a bath he takes off running towards the bathroom.

He loves a bath!

Dinner are loaded baked potatoes.

Then Alistar has some scribbling to do.

We go over into his play area and I read and he plays.

At 7:40 we start bedtime. He's out.

I get ready for bed too.

In the interim, I pick up the living room and hang out with Justin a bit. Then I go to bed. I'm sleeping in my stepdaughter's room since Justin and I can't really share a bed at this point because he can't get comfortable for shit.
Good night!
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