January 14 - Life Is A Mess

Jan 22, 2023 07:40

On January 7, a week before I did this post, my husband was in a motorcycle accident crushing his leg. I have been trying to find time to post this and finally have a second.

My alarm clock goes off at 5:30. Time to take on the world.

Morning routine: water the plants, feed the pets, make coffee

And I have to give Checkers his meds. A week before my husband's accident, my dog broke his teeth on his dog crate. His surgery was the same day as my husband's first surgery. Now he's taking meds.

Time to caffeinate.

Everyone is still sleeping, so I watch some TV.

After the accident my mom came down to help me. She's been here since.

Alistar gets up and has his milk while Jammy cuts his hair.

Breakfast tacos and fruit for breakfast.

I go get dressed and Alistar follows me around.

I fold some laundry.

And get semi-presentable.

I get Alistar dressed and he plays in his newly arranged play area.

I miss the part of the day where we went grocery shopping. We picked up Panda Express for lunch.

This fortune couldn't have come at a better time.

After lunch Alistar goes down for his nap.

Mom stays with Alistar, I head down to the hospital.

This is after his second surgery. He has an external fixator on his leg.

I go on a hunt looking for a cookie.

He makes some phone calls and is in generally good spirits.

At about 5 I head home. It's storming.

The front of my house is a lake.

Alistar is happy I'm home.

Taco salad dinner.

We facetime daddy and start bedtime.

I curl up on the couch with a snack.

Mom and I watch White Lotus. (so good!)

Alone in bed :-/

And I read a little until I conk out.
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