GAMD: 30-October-2022 | The so-called Halloween Special (Not)

Oct 31, 2022 00:20

Hello! This is Kat from Macau!
Halloween IS a big thing in the USA but over here it's just like... "yeah we know the Americans do it it's dress up and asking for candy" kind of thing. However, in recent years, I do hear neighbourhoods are trying to do that. But I'm still stumped by the mechanics of trick or treating in an apartment building. "Hey I'm done on Floor 12, let's go to Floor 13!" and you're probably not going to be allowed to go into a building that you don't live in? But I don't know. I don't have kids, and I don't have to worry about it.

Oh and while Halloween is tomorrow, it's Sunday today, and I did something slightly related to halloween today, so this is my halloween submission.

Frankie comes to wake me up today. His mug just cracks me up every time I see it, LOL.

I usually have a protein shake with a high calcium milk, but I wanted to experiment by actually eating something solid so came up with this cottage cheese and salted egg combination with roughly the same calories as my usual protein shake. It's not bad per se, it's just a weird combination. I'd usually season the cottage cheese with some salt and pepper, but I've got salted eggs aplenty so it was time to start actually eating them. (yes, those who read one of my past personal posts would know why LOL). The verdict on the experiment though; I prefer the protein shake because I actually feel full after having that. Here I have almost 100gr of cottage cheese and one entire salted egg (it's usually duck eggs) and it should be almost the same amount of calories... but I was still hungry after eating that.

My morning routine, SPF is a must. I usually put on a reddish/orange-ish eye makeup but today being halloween I put on some purple eye makeup. Not bad. But I'm not used to seeing myself with blue/cool eye make color.

The obligatory morning dog walk. I see they are setting up the docks area for the upcoming Caritas Bazaar in November.

Here's Frankie!

Back home, the dogs have breakfast, and very soon Menina is back in my room demanding to be put back into bed *rolls eyes*. Okaaaayyyyy...

The Obligatory Sunday Family Lunch with the extended family was cancelled because one family had another engagement today, so the others said let's take a break from each other. There was some dispute and one-sided fights (Mom being confrontational) about where to go for lunch, so to avoid all further fights I just drove them to my workplace's cafeteria. Then still get snubbed that the staff discount is too low. I had it just up to here and muttered "then why don't you go work in my company's C&B?" and that was the wrong thing to say, BUT, I guess, she noticed she was being not nice, and I had the car keys, so she stopped complaining and we went home. I had a stir fried XO sauce seafood thing in a kind of Chinese rice noodle dish (Chan Chuen Fun / Chen Cun Fen / 陳村粉)

Back home, I got Frankie ready, and put on my not-costume but Halloween themed t-shirt... Charlie Brown and Snoopy in a Nightmare Before Christmas style artwork. And a lazy and simple costume for Frankie, just a cowboy hat, because, sometimes he's so naughty my Dad just scolds him by calling him "you cowboy!"

So there was supposed to be a "Halloween Fun Run" but because, the newest news here locally is... they got another 2 or 3 confirmed Covid cases, so all "big group" events have to be cancelled. I sort of complained to a colleague because she didn't report the cancellation on the management chat group, but ohwell. Anyway. Frankie did not get his run. I got an Affogato though, LOL. I tried to scoop some ice cream for Frankie before adding the coffee but... he didn't want it. Anyway, he was never an overly greedy-in-the-food-department dog.

We wanted to then go swing by the Lusofonia, although it was early but it was something outdoors (a festival for all the Portuguese-speaking countries) but then that got cancelled too. So Sis said she'd drive us somewhere in Coloane island, since we were out there anyway.

We visited this Villa Nossa Senhora 聖母村... it must be a good 30 years since I last visited this place. I forget the timeline and dates, but this place was originally a camp or a closed-gate community for lepers. It was run by the Church, so yeah, the name. And since I went to a Roman Catholic School they sometimes brought us here for visits back then. Back then leprosy had already been cured and the remaining residents there (I mean when I visited with school almost 30 years ago) had to remain there just because they had been cut off from society for too long. Now they've turned this place into some sort of cafe and art gallery. I think the cafe is operated by the local rehab centre, so the workers there are recovering... am I allowed to use the A-word? There's supposedly a lighthouse but we did not walk up that way.

It was a beautiful day and the below photo was not doctored. Even I was surprised at the nice color contrast. So each house has its own thing. One is the cafe, one is the art gallery, one is an art and craft workshop for kids, etc. However, I do not actually recall this row of houses.

What I recall is this church building. I think it's permanently closed? There's no handles at that door, so maybe there's a side door to get into, I suppose. But it was also at a statue just to the left from this view that a group of people were sitting together, and obviously two nurses (chaperons?) were keeping them there. We didn't let Frankie get near them as some people are finicky with dogs approaching or worried that a dog would bite without reason. Later they are led off and it's obvious from their gait they are patients for being mentally challenged (I think using the R-word is considered rude nowadays)... There IS a medical centre next to this gated place that my Sis said "it's a hospice" but I think it's actually a hospital for rehab or any kind of recovery. There was another road uphill that we didn't go and see but had a sign saying it's private, so maybe it's a home for those people.

Church stuff, so Jesus and Mary and all that.

Really liked how this tree has its roots wrapped around this building.

And... Frankie shots! In his cowboy hat.

I read but I forgot what the sign said about this fallen tree.

I... forgot to shoot dinner... then I forgot to shoot the night time dogwalk... so here's a random night shot while on the way back to the car.

It's not really cold yet, but the temperatures are meandering downwards, so the WiFi boy needs to warm his butt. LOL.

Frankie can't be the only one that gets exposure. Here's Sai Lup!

After shower and night routine, I spend some time playing these... like sudoku but not sudoku... it's like those picross games.

One of the group-on type stores was doing a "live shopping" event and had buyers at some outlets in Japan, so they've been posting photos and links of their shopping trip. Whoever sees something they want have to message them immediately to put the item in the basket. I'm just looking at the chat group to see what's going on. I don't need any of the brands they were shopping for earlier. Might join in when they make their trip to the Japanese pharmacy. I'd like to get my hands on the Eve painkillers.

Hope you enjoyed my day today! Happy Halloween!
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