Gakked from
squish_67 Well, that was a long one! And I don't measure up to average! Yay!
The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession TestCategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment32.26%
There's something special about you. Every once in awhile, one of your topics gets everyone chatting.22.59% MemeSheepage35.09%
Easily amused27.87% Original Content45.16%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them37.83% Psychodrama Quotient18.07%
Your dark side's safe with us16.74% Attention Whoring13.64%
Slothfully Seeking Susan20.64%
Take The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
and see how you match up! (By
The Ferrett)