Title: Supplication
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel
Summary: Sam to the rescue -- or not
Warnings: Implications of top!Castiel, spoilers up to 6x22 finale
Note: My first shot at writing Castiel. Be gentle.
“On. Your. Knees,” Castiel removed his trench coat and loosened his tie. Sam felt his knees weakening on their own under Castiel’s gaze and he dropped, against his will. )
Comments 18
^^ Awesome job, hon. Loved how you packed so much in so few words. I'm so jealous of writers with that capability. ;) LOVE IT.
Thanks for your kind review. It's always a treat having my stuff read by my favorite authors.
But . . . but. . . Cas no! That's not even old testament god! That's like, vengeful spiteful Greek God! I want more but at the same time I really, really don't because I jsut don't think there's anyway poor Sammy would survive. Not with his hellmemories so newly unleashed. . .
Why can't Cas be a forgiving god? *whimpers*
I do really really like this though :)
Ei ei ei... mean cliffhanger plus *coughs* filthy promises... should I pout or hug you, dear?^^
*grins hugely*
Hehe... but aside from that let me praise you for your description of a really frightful ex-angel and his not so willingly first umm... follower...
Damn, I can feel the strong vibrations in every single line!^^
So, thank you very much, dear, for sharing your first Cas!fic; it was kinda scary *shivers at memory*, it was hawt and also a big pleasure to read.
- Sequel??
*borrows Sammeh's puppy eyes & tries them on you*
I can't say no to Sammy--evah.
Please update
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