- H.A.L.T. - Why do I want to eat you? Am I: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired???
- Here's what happens when we don't declutter our negative attitudes: We decide to lose weight for whatever reason. We lose few pounds, then something upsets us, and we fall back on our old childhood habits of reaching for a "comfort cookie". Before, I wouldn't have been able to stop myself because I didn't know that my eating in response to feeling hurt is just as abusive as the comment that hurt my feelings in the first place! Do you have a "splurge day"? that becomes an entire week of splurging?
- How do you handle your food drug? Do you keep lots of it around the house so that you can tempt yourself continuously, play tug-of-war with your mind, lose the battle, and then beat yourself up in the end? OR do you limit the amount you allow in your home?
- When we know what our food drug is, we can face up to the "why", and take care of those needs in another way. If we don't, we will overdose Every Single Time.
- Listen to your body!!! Learn the difference between emotional eating (stress, anger, anxiety, and even happy events!), boredom, habits, and True Hunger.
- Think before you eat: are you actually just Tired? Thirsty? Bored? Has something upset you? Are you eating because others around you are eating (even when you're not hungry)? Because you've gotten into the habit of eating while watching TV or reading? Or is your body actually hungry and needs fuel? What kind of fuel do you want to give it?
Diet in veggies
- The word "diet" is NOT a four-lettered word!!! The Greek origin of the word diet is diaita, meaning "a manner of living", or diaitasthai, meaning "to lead one's life".Imagine that! It's the entire way we live, the food and drink we consume to sustain our lives day in and day out!!!
- We want to give you a new attitude about your body, and a new perspective when it comes to the food you eat. These changes do not happen overnight!!! They are a series of Babysteps that you will take to help you climb the staircase of success in finding a New Way of Living!
- Some questions we can ask our food as we take a bite: Are you going to Bless My Body? Do you fit into my new Healthy Way of Eating? Is your taste Worthy Enough to go into my body? Why do I want to eat you?
- Are you going to Bless My Body? This means good nutrition: vitamins, minerals, fiber & protein.
- Do you fit into my new Healthy Way of Eating? This one's a simple yes or no?
- Is your taste Worthy Enough to put into my body? Is this something that I'm going to beat myself up over later? Am I able to eat it in small quantities to satisfy the craving, or is this one better left untouched?
compiled from a longer list of quotes posted via
FlyLady Originally posted on