On Vox: Consistancy is key

Jan 07, 2010 14:28

I've been thinking about that lately, being consistent. It's what I was failing at for awhile in terms of healthy living and working out. I'd gotten out of the habit and didn't take it upon myself to maintain all the work. So what happened...well my jeans are a little tight, nothing too drastic yet. But that's because I'm taking the initiative again and not going to maintain the bad habits I'd picked back up. It's going to be hard to get back into a full on healthy lifestyle, but it's like riding a bike I'm guessing. It's not like I don't know how, it's just a matter of doing it.

So yesterday when a family emergency called Stephen away instead of doing what I normally would do and just be a bum and not workout. I used my netflix account and pulled up a Pilates streaming video (they also have tons of other workout videos streaming). It wasn't the most intense workout, but it worked my abs, and helped me realize how much flexibility I've lost...not the worst thing but something I want to fix. Today I did workout with Stephen, but it was what he called a light day.

My workout consisted of many exercises one can do at home or anywhere pretty much.

Cook This, Not That!: Kitchen Survival Guide
David Zinczenko
10 min cardio - elliptical today
20 - back extenstions
20 - squats, when I came up I stood up on my toes
25 each leg - propping one leg up on a box keeping the other in front lunging in place
Wall sit squat - 15 sec halfway down, 15 sec all the way down repeat for a min, no rest
Walking lunges - about 20
20 - back extensions
Step ups onto 24 in box, at top bring knee up (think step aerobics on a giant step)
Some other side lunges too.

That's all I remember, no weights involved just me, myself and I. At home you could use a chair to prop your leg onto, and to step up onto. ^.^

Now the book I posted here in the entry, is one I recently purchased. I'm a fan of this series but this has to be one of the best books. It shows you how to cook food similar to that found in many restuarants how to balance out your snacks, and gives easy to follow guides on what are the best (and worst) foods by category, ie meat, carbs, fats, etc. Amazon provides a "look inside" if your interested.

Something else I've thought about in terms of food, if you can get it through a drive thru it's probably not going to help you be healthy, or lose weight. Obviously there are a FEW exceptions but not too many. Cooking for the most part isn't that time consuming and can be fun.

Happy sweating!!!

Originally posted on kimberly838.vox.com
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