May 31, 2006 22:52
With my first post comes 30 facts about me...
1. I like taking long baths. With only a shower in my current flat this is the height of luxury for me right now.
2. I'm addicted to free range egg sandwiches from Sainsbury's.
3. I used to keep a cinema diary where I stuck all my cinema stubs, until I started working in one and have long lost count.
4. When I want a good cathartic cry I watch a film where I know there will be a sad moment.
5. I love celebrity gossip...I'm really ashamed of this.
6. My one wish for myself is to be more intelligent.
7. I've dyed my hair for so long I can't remember my natural colour...some shitty shade of brown i think.
8. I've moisturised since I was 9.
9. I love scarves. I feel naked without one around my neck. My friends think I have a problem.
10. I like red wine. Never white.
11. I make really good scrambled eggs.
12. I wear red lipstick everyday.
13. Fancy mobile phone technology scares me.
14. So does the idea of infinite space and alternative universe's.
15. I want to love in a castle by the sea.
16. I tell my friends I never want ot get married, but secretly I think I really do, it's just the idea of a wedding that scares me.
17. "The Usual Suspects" is one of my favourite films.
18. I'd love to look like Liv Tyler.
19. My favourite Saturday night activity is a late night movie.
20. My favourite ice cream is Ben and Jerry's cinnamon flavour with oatmeal cookie chunks.
21. I feel most comfortable in a dress.
22. I wish the world could be like a Belle and Sebastian song.
23. I drink way too much whisky and coffee.
24. I love making coffee, especially steaming the milk.
25. When I was a child I used to sleep with an old minnie mouse jumper as a blankie.
26. I like the smell of old books.
27. I'm too scared to get my ears pierced.
28. I like wearing glasses.
29. My favourite season is winter.
30. I have a phobia of injections.