day so far

Apr 14, 2005 09:43

6:54am…tired…just spent the last 8 hours writing the longest paper of all time, took break by having an unusually bitter but short conversation with most recent ex…surprised at sudden and unexplained upsurge of bitterness…but am nevertheless thankful for the break from paper…

7:36am…started the day off right by setting off the smoke alarm with effort to fry/ burn some spam in kitchenette…give up on the idea of a morning spamwich.

7:51am have interesting conversation with most attractive male friend…tell him about vegas…show him pictures despite or because of my shame…am flattered that he thinks me cute regardless of strong evidence for drunken debauchery caught on film…make the following observations…1) yes it is possible to simultaneously phone flirt with amazing, beautiful man and be at the same time utterly not into him…and 2) the effects of compliments are proportionally increased by givers attractiveness level…anyways…go on to giggle like a schoolgirl when said hot male friend suggest that female friends and I are vastly more attractive than vegas male company…end conversation smiling and thanking the world for hapas and interracial sexing…

by the way michelle…according to said male friend who is in fact a male model and has long hair…male models use long hair to stand out among the crowd…it makes them seem more edgy and individual in a sea of pretty looking frat boys…also the asian and european markets are into that kind of a thing…

9:00am walk to school to drop off paper…notice a million pink and blue flags on campus…investigate only to find out that they represent “the 4000 life lost daily due to abortion”…am appalled by this prolife display…am approached by prolifer…who start to give me a flyer but then decided against it…um…despite being disgusted by pro life display moments before…am nevertheless insulted by this act…what do I look that much like a baby killer?

9:05am stand in line to turn in paper, hide behind bookshelf in a vain attempt to hide unmade up face and sweats clad body from hot boy in class…

9:10am on route to satisfy a jamba juice craving, am approach by another prolifer, who gives me a flyer… despite being insulted by lack of flyer 10 minutes before, am more insulted by this act….angrily return flyer to said person…what do I look that much like a crazy pro lifer…I hate guys who are pro life…unless you can physically give birth you have no say…

9:15am jamba juice not yet open…damn you juice nazi…decide to get soda at grocery store in apartment building instead…

9:20am walk pass gym…see people working out…decide to spite them by getting a oreo ice cream bar and case of soda at grocery store…

9:30 return to apartment which still smell like spam…eat fattening ice cream bar while writing delirious pseudo witty livejournal entry...and make plans to read al franken’s latest before passing out amidst room full of unfolded clothes….
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