Somebody's getting married

Feb 20, 2008 21:55

It's me!

Rachel and I are officially engaged. Told the parents and everything, and in my book, you can't get more official than that.

When? Either New Years '09 or Summer '09, main factors being family and Rachel's grad school schedule.

Where? Massachusetts or somewhere in New York. Boston and Michigan make more sense for budget reasons, but living on the East Coast and having tons of friends here give preference to Boston.

How? Probably the legal thing, as Rachel's still a resident of Massachusetts. The rest is omg-monies + huge families, plus interfaith ritual negotiation.

Much more planning stuff to come, which should prolly go on a filter as long as no one who wants to help promises not to be mad if I can't invite them.

In the meantime, we should prolly hold an engagement party =)
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