So it was May 18, and I decided to go to Mt St Helens.
30 fucking years! Wow!
Anywho, I got home, and noticed my friend Jen had posted a link to
this list of the victims...and I found myself remembering a picture of a victim's body in the bed of a pickup. I found it with a quick search, and discovered the body was a 9 or 11 year old kid named Andrew Karr.
His dad, an amature photographer, had taken his boys camping up there hoping to get a prize photo.
A few days later, a photographer named George Wedding was riding along in a helicopter that was searching for victims, and he took the picture, and it was part of a prize winning series.
Further thought on the matter, as well as looking for a better quality copy(I know I've seen better copies), made me wonder if there's a connection between how much that picture freaked me out as a kid, and my attraction to the cover of Catastrophe Ballet from Christian Death.
Sure, there's differences, but I can see some similarities as well, especially in the texture.
Andrew Karr(RIP) Catastrophe Ballet Different contexts, for sure, but both are unsettling in a way that makes me wonder if I had connected them both subconsciously before. Also, I'm pretty sure the better copies of the Karr photo have his eyes open, in contrast to Catastrophe Ballet.