In about 1986...I friend Stacy was raving about The City Nightclub(RIP), and this guy she hooked up with there.
He was a vampire, and part of a local vampire "clan" that lived together and went to The City to socialize, meet mates, and get blood donations.
She could hear my skepticism, but she emphasized "Seriously Steve, it wasn't just the drugs, HIS EYES GLOWED GREEN IN THE DARK!"
The leader of that clan was a guy named Lestat, I don't remember Stacy's boyfriend's name.
Mind you, I was completely unaware of Anne Rice at this point...
The following year I met Mia, and started going to The City myself.
Eventually I met Lestat, but oddly, it was at PCC, where we shared a music class as I was working towards my Commercial Music degree, which fell through because of financial BS.
But then I started seeing him at the City, and eventually he and my friend William hooked up during Lestat's "Disco phase"(he had some UBER platforms and a huge afro then) and had a nice long relationship, last I heard.
I recently found out where they went after living at Velour 24 after it closed.
They had a girl from Battle Ground living with them for awhile, and then they moved to California to live with Lestat's mom.
She told me his real name was "William"., first off, I assumed all this time(20 years) that Lestat was the guy's real name, and that when the Rice books came out, he exploited it to start his vampire clan..and now I learn that they're a couple who both have the same first name.
If they ever get married, it'll be like fractal wedding vows:"Do you, William, take William to be your..."
It's like me marrying Stevie Ryan....very confusing because of the name thing.
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