Oct 20, 2009 05:30
Looking for some resources for a Halloween game prototype.
Does anyone have any good CC locations for:
Music? (mp3 or ogg preferred, MIDI will do in a pinch, even flac despite its size)
SFX? (wav, mp3, ogg all work, I can figure out other formats if needed)
Scary artwork? (Frightening or surreal works of art, greyscale would be great but any is fine)
Also, I could use some information on what triggers fear, fright, or "the creeps" in the human psyche. Whatever information or sites you might have on this topic, or personal insights, I'd love to hear. It would help me in the design process.
Can anyone provide the names of some modern fear writers? Stephen King doesn't really get me riled, and H. P. Lovecraft, while fantastic, doesn't fit the mental image I have for what I want to make.
What gets you most excited, surreal settings like freak accidents or alien takeover, etc -- for those that have played, Orchard-L's Purgatory would fall here, and is what inspired the thought -- or something more along the lines of the typical fear movies, such as zombies, ghosts, old mansions? Maybe something set sci-fi rather than modern times? I remember enjoying the future chapter of Live A Live despite its lack of direct action, as well as the few stories I read/watched about the same kind of thing.
Does absolute darkness inspire fear in a game? What about sounds in proximity to your character? Ambience and immersion would set the mood, but would in-game sounds inspire that sense of shock that makes you whip around in real life?
Guys, your feedback is appreciated, lay it on me. Call me stupid, give me the best ideas ever, whatever you've got, I'll take it all. Thanks!
game mechanics: fear,
crazy ideas,
game design