Sydney update 3

Jan 12, 2006 03:53

Tuesday i got left on my own to my own devices as b and mark went off to lunch with beth. i just hung around the backpackers as it was too hot and muggy. although i put the matrix on and fell asleep within like 10 mins of the movie and woke up just before the end...ive been burnin the candle at both ends and well i dont care as long as i have fun.... Tuesday night we hit Luna Park....Fuck that place goes off. We attempted to go on all the rides bar the dodgem cars. Fuck did we scare the shit out of ourselfs but yes all in all an awsome night. The ferris wheel looks so good at night specially as they had the big hearet on the bridge lit hoping to post some pics when i get home

Anyways after taking a nice cruise around the harbour we headed home for some good shut eye...

Wednesday day i spent shopping with adam ( a friend from sydney ) and went all over the place. which was awesome. then wednesday evenign was the most bestest thing ever and i will post a pic as soon as i cget it off my phone. I visited SUMMER BAY!!! i finally went ot palm beach with my friend amanda who rocks this world. We visited the summer bay surf life saving club ( which actually has that sign on it ) and also went and checked out the Beach house ( where irene lives ) thinking of hiring a car and going up during the day to get some proper camera shots but we shall see how much it is and well i dont know if im game enough to drive on sydney roads. But yes it even has the club president as alf stewart. So yes that was one of the biggest highlights of my trip

And then last but not least i thought fuck it and ventured out on my own to the Stonewall...I had 5 vodkas and redbull so i got a little trashed first time in a long time but fuck it was fun...they have cool music downstairs is camp upstairs in clubby stuff. So i just danced the night away...gotta do it every now and again...

Anyways its 4:10am and im putrid so im off to bed to have some shut eye then taking my phone to get fixed in the morning as its fucked which isnt good...

love to you all

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