Wheres that gun? my forehead needs target practice

Sep 23, 2006 20:11


What was going to be a pleasant weekend with long missed friends and family in dallas was blown to the 13th circle of hell by my psycho father and wicked stepmother. not 30 minutes the way up there they start squabbling and it turned into what dane cook calls a 'nothing fight' of catastrophic proportions. we turn around, go home, and they exchange some choice words that evn I'm not keen on using.

my fucking sister does this too, it's in the bloodline. we could be on a pleasant outing and shell just incite a conflict over nothing with her man, while I'm stuck in the middle. I NEED A NEW FUCKING FAMILY. cuz of them i'm afraid to get married for fear that i'll become a selfish bitter prick who inconviences others to try to be right all the time.

From pleasant weekend out to home aka hell. i wish hunter s thompson was alive so we could shoot some propane canisters and eek my rage away.
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