140 or Bust

Jan 12, 2010 04:00

02:28 New blog post! List-Five kicks the year off with five favorite good, bad, bizarre publicity stunts. bit.ly/5zumc4 #

06:14 @ jordanjohanson I love it. :) #

06:16 I miss Scoop! on 4th Street, Vancouver. Why are there no tart frogurt shops in Winnipeg? Wasn't there a Yogen Früz here once? :( #

06:18 Fact: It's 6:18am and I am thinking about frogurt. #

16:55 @ kicknews Whatever happened to the age-old method of battling cold with cold? We're the Slurpee capital for a reason! #

16:58 Echofon Pro keeps crashing and is not displaying all updates. 20 tweets from almost 300 tweeps since 10 hours ago? I don't think so. #

17:17 Congrats, 2nd years! Proud to be in #CreComm w/ you. RT @RRC Student journalists' work featured in Winnipeg Free Press bit.ly/5LYIZE #

19:13 I become a progressively more interesting person throughout the week and then regress into a lame, boring one on Mondays. It's true. #
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