There are a bunch of interviews with Misha Collins popping up all over the place (well done, Show & Warner Bros.--as I am certain The CW had nothing to do with this timely and intelligent media blitz). I was reading
this helpfully de-spoilered version of the TV Addict interview here, and what caught my eye was a casual mention of the Bush Doctrine (in reference to the Js not having pranked him yet. The interviewer suggests they're taking their time to really hit Misha with something special, to which he responds, "Maybe I should consider a pre-emptive Bush Doctrine kind of first strike.").
You guys! Misha is more qualified than Sarah Palin! (Which isn't hard, obvs, but still!) That thought made me giggle, so I hit up his IMDb page to see if he met the other requirements to be President (born in the US, 35 years of age). Alas, he is but 34, but it still amused me. Also, his birth name is Russian, which is obviously the sort of thing that is a problem with a huge segment of American voters. So, my silly flight of fancy was grounded.
But, then! In "Trivia," I saw the following:
Once worked as a White House intern.
Once worked at National Public Radio in the U.S.
And then, further in that same interview:
Have you ever considered running for office?
I actually have. I was planning on going into politics before I was an actor. I interned at the White House but became so disillusioned with politics after interning in the White House that I turned to what some might consider an equally nefarious career.
♥ smart, pretty angel boys.