I've discovered a surefire way to keep myself from spamming...predict that I will be spamming a lot! It really seems to work every time.
There are so many great links to interesting blogs and articles on the writer's strike, and I was going to make a big old post about them, but lots of people have been doing that already. Therefore, I will link only two things.
wga_supporters is a good comm with lots of info and other fun stuff, like icons. *points to icon* I don't recommend adding it to your flist because it's kinda spammy, but it's a good place to check out if you want a bunch of information in one place.
Also, there's a blog called
Deadline Hollywood Daily that is working very hard to provide entirely impartial information about the strike. With that impartiality (which I haven't investigated seriously, so take that with whatever cynicism you wish) in mind,
this post becomes even more outrageous than if this site were a frothing-at-the-mouth writer's haven--and it would be pretty outrageous even then. You might want to send anyone who whines about how the writers are a bunch of pampered babies, and why shouldn't the suits get to profit off of their creative work in perpetuity, to this story. The underhanded sneakiness and bald-faced lies are downright flabbergasting.
One reason I didn't need to spam so much is that the day has taken decided turns for the better, which I'll hopefully post about more at length on Friday. Let's just say, sometimes it's nice to have your head hunted, and Jessa rocks. :)
I even stuck some labels on about 30 folders, so, go me, earning my keep and all. Woo.