A short break to celebrate a short girl

Sep 06, 2015 23:38

The girl I love had an anniversary to celebrate and as she hasn't visited the west country much and she is a big fun of crystals, fairies and new-age tat, there seemed an obvious place we could visit if we took a couple of days away:

This one - the Tor from the Avalon Orchard - feels like it's just a couple of filters away from being a Phil Rickman cover.

Scabious and Cheddar. I think it's Scabious, anyways. It's definitely Cheddar.

Another photo of everyone's favourite cheesy tourist spot. That afternoon we went caving. herecirm, being small and tough, is super-good at caving. Being large and increasingly portly, I really am not. My shoulders still feel like a potato that got mashed.

After a couple of days away, we came home via the New Forest and as we had a few hours in hand we took a little circuit around the national park and met some of the ponies living there. New Forest ponies in the evening light turn out to be tremendously photogenic:

This little group backlit themselves beautifully.

Chestnut baby horse.

A small pony among the blooming heather.

Herd in the background.

I never met anybody I was more keen to celebrate than this one.

photos, less than three

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