Some pictures of things that have occurred

Mar 07, 2015 23:21

For my thirty*cough*th birthday, the mighty herecirm gave me a new camera, which I have been using quite a bit. My last camera didn't entirely stop working, but it has somewhat lost the ability to focus, which turns out to be a significant impediment to photography. So here are some photographs of things that have happened lately, which might also count as a general update on some of the things that are going on...

The morning sky as I crested the hill on the drive to work from the farm we were house sitting at for most of February. Sufficiently pleasant.

Cash is very good at hiding.

That one time when Marty huffled Cash so hard that his tongue came out.

Some kind of grooming chain almost established.

This is one of my students working to get her mare's attention back after a big spook because hedges exist. She's a tricky mare- very anxious and needing a lot of direction to keep her brave, but she's making excellent progress and I'm enjoying teaching again after a bit of a hiatus in the end of last year.

Another of the people I'm teaching with - I have picked up a few students on the exact opposite side of the county, who I endeavour to work with while Sari is at work on a Sunday but invariably take way too long and come home late in the afternoon.

This Grey Heron was across the river from the car park at work- my new job is based in an office complex on the site of an old mill and the river runs right under the building we are based in. The heron was quite a distance away but the zoom on this camera is most impressive.

Sari and Lindi, one of the horses she works with, looking pensive.

A cute girl and her mule.

Marty will jump quite enthusiastically to avoid getting his toes dirty. Although he is leaping right behind Sari he didn't come close to touching her or pushing on her at all.

However, mules don't jump just because there is something there. Not if they can step instead, which they usually can.

You can see why Marty's colouring is sometimes described as "fox dun" - he's perfectly camouflaged against the bracken here.

Like every English village, we have an oak tree with a bench around it.

At the crossing of the trails.

Pursuit team!

My true love, with the spring sunshine in her hair.

Apparently Sari had a diabolical plan of some kind hatching here. I still don't know what it was. I should probably be concerned.


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