A couple of winter rides

Jan 08, 2014 23:45

I've been hella busy with some freelance work stuff over the last few weeks, especially as for a fortnight starting on December 21st we lost power for some part of every day. When you are trying to work on a computer from home, routinely losing electricity and internet connectivity for up to three days at a stretch makes things difficult. Also our house is electrically heated, so it got a bit nippy after a while.

Anyways, there were some pictures I intended to post then and failed, so here they are:

Making our way down a watery trail. The arena at the yard is going to be a swamp for a long time, so everything will be trail rides for a while. Not so bad when the weather holds like this.

This route produced many photographs in which either Iris or the background was in focus, but never both. No idea why. Here we were on a trail we haven't ridden before. Just over the hill on our right was the set for Skyfall Manor in the last Bond movie.

After the storms there were a lot of trees down- this one at least had been cut up- a lot of tracks were still blocked last time we went out.

This was Hammer Pond - I noticed the absence of a lake the first time I rode past there, but had no camera so Sari accused me of just making the whole thing up. This was photographic evidence. Also involved leading Iris through the woods to the banks of the former pond, where she followed me carefully like a good pony.

The pond was artificial and held up by this dam. Or the dam that this used to be before the storm demolished it.

A confusion of horse and sky. I like how this picture came out because it doesn't make sense at first.

After almost two weeks of rain, we have had a dry day today and another is forecast tomorrow. I hope to go walkabout with my fine mare once more.

iris, photographs

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