The sporting life

Nov 26, 2013 12:56

Tomorrow evening will be the first dressage competition for Team Iris. I'm pretty confident it will go well, given all the things we have in our favour:
  • I have had to borrow a bridle because I always take the nosebands off mine because they look silly with western gear and then I lose them.
  • Turns out the bridle I have borrowed is actually black, with a brown noseband. Black bridle with a brown noseband and reins to go with a black saddle is a look, right?
  • The saddle is old and treeless and well past its best but it at least falls within the rules, pretty much.
  • I don't own a stock tie or white gloves, so we're about to go out to buy some.
  • My black long boots are the cheapest possible rubber ones.
  • Until Saturday I thought it was a different test, so I haven't had much time to memorise it. I think I've got a handle on it though.
  • The only problem with my memorisation is that I keep ending up at the wrong end of the school by the end of the test and I can't quite work out why I am there. Other than that it's going fine.
  • Our corners in canter aren't very good, but mostly we can now make a transition on the right rein without a buck.
Fortunately dressage is a notoriously open and friendly sport, so I'm sure it will be fine and nobody will be judging us for our dire apparel or terrible performance.

Current forecast: Hilarious fiasco.

dressage, iris

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