The weather turns

Jul 25, 2012 23:18

The weather has turned at last! I will not complain about being ridiculously hot until I have entirely forgotten how dire the last few months have been.

I have had an awesome couple of weeks as well - the charming herecirm came to visit weekend before last and for the first time in three months, neither of us had any urgent jobs to do or places to be. We did have a big family party on Saturday with pretty much all my surviving family- our parents being the oldest generation now and many new second cousins charging around practising the important skills of being loud and then falling over and then being loud again.

Aside from that it was some real Ben and Sari time and exactly what we needed. Just so nice to be able to relax with the girl I love, to watch a movie together and go out in search of the source of the Smallbrook in the Punchbowl.

Last weekend I managed to get some help with Zorro on Saturday night so I was able to head over and visit Sari in her native environment.

As soon as I arrived, it turned out it was Shire-Riding time, and I was privileged to be allowed to ride Macey, Sari's favourite steed.

He's a proper size of horse. He doesn't look that big in this picture maybe because I am lanky and it was taken from the back of a Clydesdale, but his size is more noticeable when compared with my car:

He's a very mighty horse and I was very honoured to ride him.

On Sunday I slept in and when Sari got back from work we went and talked to her ponies:

Dinky and Flash arrived a few weeks back, but this was the first time I have been able to meet them.

Dink was particularly keen on scratchies.

She is a very happy little character.

Flash was less keen on scratchies, but still interested in interacting. He's a nice little guy.

A very cute pair of beasts.

Life feels a lot better for a bunch of Sari time and a chance to pause and just enjoy being together. She is the best.

less than three

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