Some things occur

Jun 10, 2012 16:00

A couple of weeks ago, while she was on holiday in Austria, herecirm got a last minute request to ride the Shires over the bank holiday weekend in Romsey. They were really short of riders, to the point when she volunteered me as a person who could sit on a horse, I was accepted as a one-day member of the team. Consequently, last Sunday saw me riding big moustachiod Harvey in front of an audience.

Unfortunately we didn't have much time to prepare because one of the riders arrived a little late, and because of the four riders present on the day only herecirm had actually ridden in the team this year and normally they have six riders, we weren't very well prepared. We had time for a couple of walkthroughs and then we were out for the first ride.

Dressed up for the first ride

I have never worn a stock tie before. An experience I feel no strong compulsion to repeat.

Unfortunately the actual ride didn't go according to plan because I took a wrong turn while I was in the lead. There was only one point where I was in the lead, so this was quite an opportunity taken on my part. Then I couldn't figure out what I needed to do to fix it, we got there in the end though and it probably didn't look remotely as bad to the audience as it did to us as riders.

Also I am super critical of all pictures of me riding and these are particularly bad because I was trying hard to think about what we were doing rather than concentrating on actually riding well. Still, nice to have a couple of pics of me looking smart.

The experience left me with even greater respect for herecirm's ability to ride as well as she does in that setting.

With a few hours preparation we were much more ready for the afternoon ride. Of course, that was the toy-story themed one.

With a nose like mine, there was one character I was most likely to be playing...

All the ingredients for a classic buddy movie.

The themed ride went much better.

We all remembered the pattern and everything.

Big smiles at the end.

The Waldburgs team with me as substitute Woody.

That night the shires got to stay over in the most rustic farmyard I have ever seen.

There were also geese, ducks, chickens, geese and a bunch of other horses.

Cooper wondering what I'm up to.

On Monday they had a different substitute rider in, so I was on the ground.

The morning ride- it was easier to get good pictures knowing where they were going to be throughout the display.

Big horses in a line.

Pairs all nicely lined up.

Macey likes to win the displays. He thinks he might well be a racehorse.

Sari on her magnificent steed.

The riding team on Monday.

Macey is gigantohorse!

Tail plait loopy-things. Those probably have a proper name...

Before the second ride, the horses go and meet their public.

Macey and Buzz herecirm

A line where everyone is in a line. I now know how hard this is to do...

Coming around the corner.

They needed herecirm for a 6:30 start on Tuesday and as that would be hard to do with a commute from here and two ponies needing to be sorted out, she stayed over with the team and I came home that night. I was quite hoping to head down that day but in the end decided I needed a bit more sleep and a chance to work with Cash on his saddle. Cash had a visit from the backologist on Saturday, who confirmed that there didn't seem to be clear back pain so I figured it was time to work on his saddle. I started out by using a roller. As he seemed determined to run about, I just took the halter off and let him get that out of his system first...

Trotting one way...

... back the other...

Pausing for a "every little girl's dream pony" photo.

Time to canter!

Hover pony.

We got there in the end, with great care and persistence on my part and lots of pony treats.

I've been building up from there towards getting back onto his back- yesterday he ran out from under me as I leaned over his back, causing me to land with a splash in the muddy arena ( the yard owner favours mud as an arena surface apparently ) but after a while building his confidence back I was able to get on from the fence and ride a couple of circles in walk, which he did beautifully. Today we went through a similar process but trusting more to the foundation we built up yesterday. Apparently I overtrusted because when I got on ( exactly as yesterday ) and asked for a couple of steps we had a full on broncing session that landed me right back in much the same muddy puddle as last time then left pony galloping around the school as the saddle - dislodged when I fell - slowly slipped around his side and under his chest, while I bent double and caught my breath. Not a great situation. I'm off for a clinic with Steve next weekend ( hopefully herecirm will finally get to meet horsemanship mentor too ) so I'm going to leave well alone until I have expert assistance, but I will also make sure I have a spare saddle because I'm very conscious that saddle fit could be an issue here- the saddle seems to fit, but he has changed shape since I first put it on him and I guess that could be contributing.

While I'm posting pictures, though, I should add these two- I walked to the yard and back yesterday and on the way back I passed a field with three mares and their foals.

Babyfoals are all made of velvet and scampers.

Little chestnut foal had found the end of an oak branch dislodged in the strong winds of the last few days and was waving it around proudly. Other foal was not allowed it. Later mum came over, gently removed it from babyfoal's mouth and ate it.

photos, horses

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