Christmas Eve

Dec 24, 2011 23:48

Today has involved a brief outing with some ponies.

We took Cash and Small out onto the Punchbowl, where little Cashbin has never been before and he was supergood and even opened a gate absolutely perfectly and stayed in the gateway to hold it open for Small.

Cash's ears are so bright they look photoshopped in here, but it's real!

Gorse and holly create a winter tricolour.

Riding down through the chestnut woods on the way home.

It was also time to take Zorro's dressing off and give him some festive sprouts!

One shaven hoof, one normal one. Poor old cob.

Zorro is the happy sprout troll.

Looking like he's right out of Where The Wild Things Are.

Lurking like a shark. The kind of shark that eats sprouts.


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