Gold and silver

Dec 11, 2011 11:26

After great searching and endeavours, I have finally got Cash a proper saddle. He's been working in my old Dartmoor Treefree for a long time but that has pretty much collapsed now, so it's not really offering much more protection from my weight than a regular bareback pad, which has slightly restricted how much work I'm willing to ask him to do.

The other weekend, after a long drive up to Lincolnshire with helpful Sari along to navigate, I found this:

Not my usual style of saddle, but it's well made by a very good maker and it's a good fit for Cash.

Also very comfy for me- it is probably a touch on the small side, but Cash has a pretty short back so it's a question of finding something that is small enough for him and big enough for me, I think this is pretty much on that sweet spot.

He goes beautifully in it - much better, I think, than his old saddle.



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