New adventures

Oct 04, 2011 21:56

The weekend before last I went up to attend Great Gransden show in Cambridgeshire. It was quite a drive but the Shire display came highly recommended.

What was particularly nice about the day was that in addition to seeing my beloved herecirm I also got to meet the entirely charming fleefloodle which was a real pleasure.

Before the Shire ride ( or the second one- I arrived half way through the first ) we watched the in-hand coloured show.

Americans would be excited about all those Gypsy Vanners, we were excited about the little Shetland in at 4 on the lineup.

A frock, bonnet and wig is the ideal combination for riding a Shire - I wouldn't dream of getting on one wearing anything else.

Riding a Shirehorse is SRS BSNS.

Furry feet!

A frock is also the ideal clothing for untacking your horse after a display.

Then fleefloodle came back to meet little baby Magic.

Look at those fuzzy ears! Also at three months Magic is a lot bigger than fleefloodle

Sari left us in charge of Beatrice and Magic while Bea had her dinner, at which point Bea decided to choke so we went and got help. Bea had to trot up and down for a while, which Magic thought was tremendously exciting!

Little shy creature!

fleefloodle put the effort in but Magic still won the "best beard" contest.

It was an excellent day.

On the Sunday we visited Pepsi pony and took her out for a walk. These pictures by herecirm cos she is awesome:

I love the way that Pepsi's eye is in perfect focus here. Also she looks a tiny bit small for me.

It's clear from this picture that Pepsi is actually 17hh but she is still small for me for I AM A GIANT!!!

That was excellent as well. And every time I see herecirm I love her a little more and every time we are apart I miss her a little more. She is undeniably the greatest thing ever as far as I'm concerned.

However, she was busy working and being a knight last weekend, so I took the opportunity in the sunny weather to wash my pony.

Then I spent quite a while walking around the school before he could be persuaded to stay still long enough to get a picture without him just following me. He was also SO SOFT! Just absolutely huggable. His winter coat is very pale, almost cremello-like.

Now there has also been too little of this lately:

Zorro has been a bit lame on his left foreleg. Not strong, but a definite nod and clearly unsound in trot so he's been basically back in the field. By the end of the week he was a lot better in the school and on Saturday I took him up to mow the lawn.

Unfortunately most of the way up he stumbled and it seems like he must have caught whatever he had hurt before because he was a bit unsound again. After he had eaten plenty of lawn and then scared himself by getting a shock off the chickens' earth spike, we headed home. I rode some of the way, lead for the rest. I think it is just a pulled muscle, but we have the trimmer coming at the weekend and the chiro not long after and they're both excellent on this stuff, so I'll get a view on where he's at from them before I call the vet out- the vet will be expensive and tell me initially to bute and rest him, which is effectively what I'm doing anyway. Poor adorable cob- I am worried about him, but he's not too bad and it is most likely to be something he pulled dicking about in the field.

On Sunday evening I rode Cash who was both good and clever and we did our first few strides of bouncy Cash canter. Such a sweet and genuine little horse.

photos, cash

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