Cash at the movies

Jun 09, 2011 23:25

A bit of video of my session with Cash on Sunday:

image Click to view

I hate to see myself ride on video- I always see stuff I could be doing so much better. That's why it's worth doing, though, I guess.

We had our excellent chiro out on Tuesday and she picked up a few things that needed sorting. He certainly looks like he's moving more nicely now- his back is straighter and his back end isn't quite so tucked under - but I think he might have bruised a sole when we were trotting him up because he seems a bit ouchy on his feet today, which got him out of work. He has some boots on order, but helpful eBay gave the delivery guys the wrong postcode so I need to talk to the couriers tomorrow and sort them out with the correct address. Hopefully it's just a bit of footiness ( what it looks like ) because he needs to be sound for the clinic next weekend so he can be friends with penella22 during her adventure here...


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