Ride tall and cast a long shadow

Mar 13, 2011 22:54

A few pictures from today, mostly mossy logs with one little over-the-ears-cam moment I'm vaguely proud of.

On the walk down to the ponies I paused to experiment with taking close up pictures to try and get a better handle on my camera. I love that I now have some limited capacity for playing with depth of field, even if it is largely when I'm using a macro.

The fortress of Mossburg. I love these moss-covered coppice stumps. They lead my imagination off onto adventures in miniature worlds.

I ended out going for a short, late, ride on Zorro. Just as we arrived on the common, the sun came out for the first time all day and cast this long shadow that makes Zorro look like the most epic and feathery horse ever. Also Zorro is the most epic and feathery horse ever.


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