Steve works with his Equitana horse

Jan 19, 2011 15:23

As I may have mentioned, a couple of months ago Steve took part in the colt starting demonstration/competition thing at Equitana in Australia. They took on the horse he worked with for training afterwards and also one of the other horses from the competition and Steve has been videoing the work he does with each one and posting it on his Youtube channel - you can also see the conclusion of the Equitana ride there. It's interesting to see how little foundation a horse has after a start in that kind of situation and nice to see Steve working to change that.

I thought I'd post this video of the third session with Myth, the horse he rode at the show, because it shows quite a lot about the way Steve works- he goes through a lot of the preparation to ride work and up as far as saddling and turning loose.

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