Good news: We got up and out in plenty of time for doing the ponies.
Bad news: I broke the front door lock and locked us out all in one go with a lock broken so that the key won't even go into it and every other door to the house bolted from the inside. The lock has broken that way before and the fix is to hit the opening lever on the inside with a hammer.
Good News: After some time I managed to work out a point-and-click adventure style complicated method to break into the house and fix the front door.
Bad News: Most of my presents were courtesy of Amazon, who had done the discourtesy of not bothering to deliver them ahead of Christmas. Not that big of a deal really because I have the most fun finding presents for other people, but still. Also, what kind of small software house sells stuff without offering a download option? That was my biggest fail in terms of gifts for other people...
Good News:
sleepsy_mouse found me a tiny little voice-activated video camera, ideal for videoing rides without having to hold a camera. Neat piece of kit.
Bad News: I thought to test it on our pre-lunch walk. It was clipped on to my coat when we left, not when we got back. Three of us retracing the route in different directions didn't find it, so I guess that counts as best gift idea most rapidly squandered on my part. D:
Good News: We had tasty leftovers tea including roast beef from last night.
Bad News: While cutting said roast beef,
sleepsy-mouse managed to slice deeply into her finger.
All in all, more dismay than jubilation this time around. So it goes. It's only things.