In which some changes are made

Nov 23, 2009 00:58

Today was another busy one. We've had a problem, the last few times we rode out, where a certain black horse was coming back very sweaty indeed, not because I've been making him run around so much as that we're doing 7-8 miles at a gentle but consistent pace in hilly terrain. That meant Zorro and Small had to be in their stables for the morning so they would stay dry ( they didn't mind this as they had haynets and it was absolutely bucketting down outside ) This afternoon our helpful friend Liz came over with her big clippers and we did some hairdressing.

For a moment the sun came out and the light was perfect on Small pony for some portraits. I even managed a couple where he wasn't trying to eat the camera...

Rustic pony portrait. So cute!

So we got the clippers, got the black hairy horse, combined them and ... things were calm. Zorro just stood there for the whole job, moved when I asked him to and tolerated the whole thing. He slightly wanted to sniff the clippers, which made it harder to get his neck lines straight but he was absolutely great through the whole process.

Smartacus the cob!

After that was finished, I put a nice new rug on him and took him back out to his field so he could practice rolling and see if he could trash it. The field has been divided into three for a while, one section belonging to Donk, then Small after Donk started jumping out, one for Zorro and one being rested. Today we thought we could open up the rested side a bit and let the big fellow graze on it, so I rolled back the fence a bit and through he went. This made him happy.

Then, we let someone else out into the field...

Zorro and Small have been separated by at least an electric fence since late July, but with Small feeling much brighter lately we thought we would see how they got on together.

"What incursor is this?"

"Let the wild rumpus start!"


Hover pony: Engage!

Hover pony: Accelerate!

One up, one down.

I like to imagine that Zorro was just staying like this, in perfect balance. I don't know why.


That's my horse that is.

That's my riding horse.

By this point Zorro's energy was starting to flag, but Small still had plenty.

Time to go running!

Small shows that he can work from behind.

"That is one of the Mearas, unless my eyes are cheated by some spell..."

The little guy was absolutely pelting around at this point, amazingly fast and just so happy to have all this space to run about in.

"Well, that was fun, but let us not forget the importance of grazing."

So nice to see such a happy pony and for Zorro to be back with his friend. There is something right about the world when they are in their field together. Something that belongs.


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