Year gone by - Riding Video 2009

Oct 26, 2009 08:27

So a year ago I posted a video of Zorro and I ( which has no lost it's music in an argument between Google and Warner ) was a kind of marker for where we were at the time. I figured the way to make that kind of marker useful is to give it points of comparison so on Saturday I got sleepsy_mouse to take some more of our session.

Last year penella22 told me off for doing myself down when posting about video, but this wasn't a great session - it had rained all morning and someone was a bit grumpy and we didn't feel like we were doing as well as we sometimes do. But then for me horsemanship, like singing in the car, always seems to go best when there is no-one around to witness it. Either way it's probably an honest representation of where we're at right now, if not a showcase for a whole lot of excellence. If I can get everything up to the standards of the best bits here by this time next year, though, I think I'll feel like I'm doing alright.

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