And on other topics...

Apr 26, 2009 23:45

So I've been out and about with my camera again and I didn't take all these pictures just to bore myself with them...

The other evening they were grazing just down the hill from our house, catching the last of the sun.

One of the other guys ambling along to meet up with the rest of the herd.

They were in the same area today, just grazing around the place, totally ignoring all the walkers and people sat out around the place.

This is the view from just a little further on towards the ponies:

Today it was so clear that I could just make out the London skyline on the horizon, I think that is about forty miles from us...

The Chestnut coppice that I walk through heading towards the ponies. I just liked all the lines here. In a week or so they'll be in full leaf and the shadows will be less linear and distinct.

Ransome, a type of wild garlic. I really like the smell of it- it reminds me of holidays when I was small.

I walked a different route home, hoping to meet the herd of ponies on the other side of the valley, but where they had been grazing earlier was empty. It's a lovely place though- I'm thinking it might be nice to bring Zorro up here for a bit of schooling in the outdoors.

Going to cross the stream and who do I find but the ponies I had been looking out for- I didn't notice them for a while either, they really are superbly camouflaged.

I just sat down for a few minutes watching the herd, listening to the sounds of the woods and enjoying a peaceful moment. There is a theory that there was a northern european strain of ancestral horse that lived in forest and marshy conditions- if they have a close living relative it could be these little guys.

As I set out to head home I looked back and realised what I thought was no particular arrangement of ponies was in fact the court of king Greypony with his various attendants and minions. The grey pony isn't an Exmoor at all, he's more a small grey pest, but he lives with them happily enough.


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