Hey, horsey people in the south-east...

Aug 29, 2008 23:31

If anyone is north of London and wants to do something interesting around the 12th-15th of September, Tom and Sarah are doing a clinic in Shillinghurst, Hertfordshire. I'm kind of thinking of you here, skiesfirepaved because I don't think it's too far from you and you'd really enjoy it. More here.

The other side of London we have Steve Halfpenny coming back for another clinic from 19th-22nd of September over near Tunbridge Wells. Steve is a literally brilliant horseman and I really strongly recommend coming along to watch. There may even be a rider place remaining if you know someone who feels like taking their horsemanship up a few levels- it's not cheap but learning from Steve has changed everything as far as I'm concerned and I simply cannot imagine a better use for my money. Anyways you can find more here if you're interested.

I've ridden on clinics with both these teachers and they're fairly well documented back on my Clinic reports tag.


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