Also odd...

Aug 11, 2008 22:42

Sometimes when I'm really sleepy I stop off in the car for fifteen minutes in my lunch break and take a nap. Today I did that and found myself having a dream in which I was in Wales ( probably Swansea but maybe Cardiff ) on a street down a long hill. A rugby match had just ended and I could hear the crowd in the arena at the top of the hill singing the welsh national anthem ( not sure what they were actually singing but in the dream I knew it was the welsh national anthem ) and some other people I know were sorting out the celebratory fireworks and had just lit a huge blue and silver patterned rocket. I thought about telling them that they should save the biggest firework until last but then thought I'd best get to Tesco so went and got in my car instead. Then I woke up.

It was quite a random dream and as I had to go down to the local Tesco to get lunch I got out of the car for a quick breather and to wake up then I got back in and headed off. The radio was set to Radio 4 which was playing Round Britain Quiz, a panel game that consists of the most impossibly cryptic questions being answered by people who must have devoted their entire lives to accumulating trivia. The question that came up as I started driving had four clues, one of them was the welsh national anthem, another was the phrase "remember remember the fifth of November." The answer to the question was about coins, which may tie in to my major source of stress currently.

I feel the correlation there is too strong to discard as coincidence.
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